Unveiling the Causes of Haematuria

Unveiling the Causes of Haematuria: Understanding Kidney Infection Symptoms, Effective Bladder Treatment, and the Distinction Between UTIs and Kidney Infections


Dealing with haematuria (blood in the urine) can be quite a concern, and unraveling its root causes is crucial for proper management. In this article, we'll explore three important aspects: recognizing kidney disease symptoms, effective treatments for bladder issues, and understanding the key differences between urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney infections.

Recognizing Symptoms of Kidney Disease

The kidneys play a vital role in filtering water and can fall prey to infection. Symptoms of kidney disease (also known as pyelonephritis) can sometimes overlap with other urinary troubles. Those with kidney disease may encounter intense pain, often on one side. This pain differs from regular back pain and is accompanied by fever and chills. Additionally, frequent, urgent, painful urination, cloudy or foul-smelling urine, and an overall unpleasant sensation might be experienced.

It's crucial to identify these signs, as untreated kidney disease can lead to more serious complications like kidney damage or sepsis.

Effective Bladder Infection Treatment

Bladder infections, or cystitis, arise when bacteria enter and settle in the bladder. These infections are primarily caused by bacteria infiltrating the urinary system. Symptoms of bladder issues include straining during urination, a burning sensation, frequent urination, and urine that appears cloudy, dark, bloody, or has a strong odor.

The good news is that most bladder infections can be effectively treated with antibiotics. It's essential to complete the entire antibiotic course to ensure complete eradication of the infection. Drinking plenty of water and urinating regularly can aid in clearing up urinary tract infections.

Deciphering UTIs and Kidney Infections

Distinguishing between UTIs and Kidney Infections is critical for accurate diagnosis and effective treatment. Both conditions impact urination, but not the volume of urine. UTIs primarily affect the lower urinary tract, which includes the bladder and urethra. Conversely, kidney infections target the upper tract, involving the kidneys themselves.

Symptoms of UTIs and kidney disease might overlap, but kidney infections can trigger more severe symptoms such as fever, back pain, and nausea. Underestimating the seriousness of kidney disease is unwise, as it can lead to lasting problems if left untreated.


Having delved into the causes of haematuria, it's evident that kidney disease, bladder issues, and urinary tract infections can all contribute to blood in the urine. Recognizing kidney disease symptoms like back pain and fever can aid in early detection and treatment. Bladder infections respond well to antibiotics and ample hydration.

Moreover, grasping the distinction between UTIs and kidney infections is key to seeking timely medical attention. If you're experiencing symptoms like blood in the urine, painful urination, or back pain, consulting a doctor is recommended. Early diagnosis and proper treatment can pave the way for improved outcomes and prevent complications. When in doubt, prioritize your well-being and seek medical guidance.

Learn more




1. NHS: https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/blood-in-urine/


Important Notice

Icle Test Limited does not practice medicine or provide medical services or advice. The contents of this package (The IcleTest DIY Men's Health Blood in Urine Test) are not intended to be a substitute or replacement for medical advice or for a medical examination by a qualified healthcare professional. The IcleTest DIY Men's Health Blood in Urine Test is intended to be an aid to early diagnosis of Men's health issues only and is not intended to provide a diagnosis of any specific medical condition; It is intended only to detect blood in urine. A negative result should not be relied on in substitution for medical advice or for a medical examination by a qualified healthcare professional. If the test is positive please arrange to see a qualified healthcare professional